Apparently, the headlight assembly was not sealed properly and over time, got condensation inside. Now when I stick a screwdriver and paper towel through the light bulb hole and try to wipe it off, nothing comes clean. The assembly does not come apart and they cost $235 each to replace.How can I clean the inside of the headlight lenses on a 1997 dodge caravan?you can't. The seal on the headlight assembly is bad. There are some web sites that sell the light for a cheaper price. I suppose the price you list is from the dealer.How can I clean the inside of the headlight lenses on a 1997 dodge caravan?Put a couple of tablespoons of baking soda-the stuff people use to keep their refrigerator from smelling bad-into about 2 cups of water and stir it until it dissolves. Remove the headlight assemblies from the van and pour the liquid into the hole where the bulb goes. Swish it around inside for a few minutes and it should clear up the haze. Fords have the same problem and this worked on my '90 Ranger. To keep it from happening again, take a tube of clear silicon gasket maker and run a small bead of it around where the clear lens mates to the base of the headlight and smooth it out with your finger. Wear latex gloves if you want to keep the gasket maker off of your fingers.
Total cost-about 4 bucks for the silicon. You've probably already got the baking soda in your kitchen cupboard.
Just be sure to use baking soda-not baking powder.
When you're done, you can also pour the liquid over your battery terminals to get rid of any corrosion on them since you'll have the hood open to get the headlights out anyway.
Hope this helps.How can I clean the inside of the headlight lenses on a 1997 dodge caravan?you have to break the seal on those to clean the inside of them, i have done a few before but they are hard to get to seal back up,it can be done,and its still a lot cheaper than buying new ones,they make a sealant that will work as good as the original sealant did if not better,then you can clean and buff those off,one thing to remember when taking those apart,be careful don't pry on the lens at any time let it come off by its self if you pry on it without all the sealant being loose or removed it will break,i broke the first one i tried to remove,be patient and they will come off,good luck with it.How can I clean the inside of the headlight lenses on a 1997 dodge caravan?You could use some CLR cleaner and water. Just pour some CLR mixed with water inside the whole assembly of the headlight, swirl it around for a few mins and then let it just sit there with the mixture still in it for a few more mins and then rinse out the assembly with water and let it dry. That should be able to clean them.How can I clean the inside of the headlight lenses on a 1997 dodge caravan?Ive taken them apart and resealed them , but most people say you must replace the module , but them again I know how to do it and well 30 + years experience, best bet shop on line for after market OEM type 1/4 the price replace the whole unit or I repair it for 30.00 dollarsHow can I clean the inside of the headlight lenses on a 1997 dodge caravan?you can't.. replace itHow can I clean the inside of the headlight lenses on a 1997 dodge caravan?good question same thing has happened to me in a 97 ford contour