Thanks!1978 Goldwing--How do I remove the front light to replace the headlight bulb in a 1978 Goldwing 1000?On the headlight case, remove the 2 screws (5 %26amp; 7 o'clock #22)
Careful, don't loose the spacers #18
Pull the bottom of the headlight ring (#2) forward away from the bike.
Don't touch the glass of the halogen bulb.
The oils in your fingers will cause it to overheat and burn out.
Wires are to short - cut them and solder in some extensions.
Be more specific with your electrical problems.
Won't come on
Signals won't flash
Lights go out when high beam is turned on.
It's like trying to solve a problem without knowing the question LOL1978 Goldwing--How do I remove the front light to replace the headlight bulb in a 1978 Goldwing 1000?The headlight bulb on the windjammer is held in with a springy wire clip. Bend it, it will unhook and swing away.
Intermittent blinkers - the socket could be corroded, or the bulb's terminal isn't making a good connection.
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1978 Goldwing--How do I remove the front light to replace the headlight bulb in a 1978 Goldwing 1000?Edit your public profile to allow e-mail, so people can send you additional info after your question closes.Report Abuse