sense you dont have a manual, it might be a great idea for you to bookmark the page. its got a ton of info on about everything you need or could do to a grand am.
good luckHow do you change the driving headlight on a 99 pontiac grand am gt?on the gt model all you have to do is gain access to the very back of the light,and twist off the lock ring and pull out the old bulb,then replace it with the new one,don't touch the new one with your fingers though,it will shorten the life of it ,some of them are a little hard get to ,but not impossible,good luck on it.How do you change the driving headlight on a 99 pontiac grand am gt?Well the whole lamp comes off from the car, the whole unit, so you would have to raise the hood,and there are some plastic pivot screws or rivots and you can use a philp head srcew driver look for all the bolts that dis assemlbe it the whole head light.Once you get it off the back of it you find out which one is high or low and it twist out but the new bulb in without touching the bulb or the bulb will not be any good. Or also take it to auto zone and they can help you. God bless!How do you change the driving headlight on a 99 pontiac grand am gt?If you look at the headlamp assembly from the top (hood open) you will notice what looks to be a black metal clip approximately 1.5 inches in width and about 4 inches long running vertically at the back of the headlamp. Pulling up on this clip disengages the headlamp assembly therefore allowing you to remove it and then you can access the bulb.
Note: there may be 2 of these clips. Note: do not remove these clips. Only pull them up enough so that a release click can be felt