I have an 84 Honda Saber V65 VF1100s it was built with a fairing/noscone on the front, however Honda denys they ever manufactured a Saber with a faring. But the headligh has a foglike appearance to it my dad when restoring the bike removed some but how do i get the rest off it looks as if the (Foglike appearance) is inside the headlight assembly, but when i use my nail or a hard surface to remove it, it comes off. How do i get this to come off with out scratching the headlight cover its self. Other then this unappealing sight the bike has been completely restored to its former glory and is as fast as it was when first built and runs like it too. brand new paint job and all.How do i get rid of the fog like appearance on my headlight.?auto parts stores sell plastic polish for that problem. it takes alot of polishing so get a buffer to do it. or buy new light housings and make it look brand new before you sell itHow do i get rid of the fog like appearance on my headlight.?the seal broke on your headlight, to fix it you need to buy a new one.How do i get rid of the fog like appearance on my headlight.?just replace the headlight.How do i get rid of the fog like appearance on my headlight.?If the cover is plastic you can polish it with Mothers aluminum polish. It works great for taillights too that are plastic. If you have a yellowing on any clear plastic cover it will take it off too,like lenses and things. Rubbing compound works good too but only use ultra fine stuff.How do i get rid of the fog like appearance on my headlight.?Buy some new ones. Peace. Im out,How do i get rid of the fog like appearance on my headlight.?I use a %26quot;plastic%26quot; razor blade. Got it from a specialty tool shop. Try removing it with %26quot;contact/brake%26quot; cleaner. It won't damage your headlight and can be purchased at any bike or auto parts store.How do i get rid of the fog like appearance on my headlight.?rubbing compound and a buffer. they also make plastic polish. seems like rubbing compound works just fine and much cheaperHow do i get rid of the fog like appearance on my headlight.?if it's road grime then it can be cleaned off. be careful an what chemicals you use, some can destroy the lens material.
Fine particles of dirt and grit can/will roughen the surfaces as you drive. If it's been %26quot;sand blasted%26quot; then it will have to be replaced.How do i get rid of the fog like appearance on my headlight.?Use a hammer!How do i get rid of the fog like appearance on my headlight.?my store sells a product called plexus that works good